ND Profile

Tamara Kung, ND

Dr. Tamara Kung, ND is a licensed naturopathic doctor in the province of Ontario.  Dr. Kung, ND’s goal is to complement and enhance the quality of healthcare for her patients – to bring in the vital, often missing pieces of education and holistic support so her patients can sustain quality longevity.

With a strong focus on nutrition, Dr. Kung, ND helps patients break down barriers and find ease in learning about, finding, and making healthy, delicious meals. This lays down a strong foundation for specific treatments that follow, which include acupuncture, cupping therapy, botanical medicine, and nutraceuticals.

In practice, Dr. Kung, ND focuses on women’s health, hormone balance, and skin conditions.

Dr. Kung, ND has additional training in cosmetic acupuncture which works with traditional Chinese medicine’s philosophy of restoring balance in the body while simultaneously addressing the skin’s complexion, tone, and fine lines.

Living long and well is an ability we are all capable of as proven by the world’s Blue Zones.

When she is not working with patients, Dr. Kung, ND loves cooking with and for friends and family.   She also spends time outdoors whenever possible whether it is snowboarding, hiking in the mountains, kitesurfing, or playing tennis and cello.  Dr. Kung, ND believes that the key to health is community, and is grateful for her growing community as she joins the Dempster clinic.



  • Ontario
    • Intravenous Infusion Therapy
    • Therapeutic Prescribing


  • English