ND Profile

Brittany Schamerhorn, ND

Dr. Brittany Schamerhorn practices family medicine with special interests in hormonal imbalances, gastrointestinal concerns & conditions, autoimmune disease and mental health. As a primary care naturopathic physician, support for both acute and chronic conditions is available. Dr. Schamerhorn is a dedicated physician who welcomes patients with a variety of health concerns and anyone who is looking to improve their overall health and wellness. It is her goal to motivate and inspire patients to take control of their health and wellness by empowering them with the right educational tools.


She is currently accepting new patients at Balance Medical Center in Vancouver, BC. Please call 604-569-0488 to book your appointment.


Some of the conditions Dr. Schamerhorn treats are:

  • Hormone imbalances/Endocrine (Thyroid, adrenal, pancreas [blood sugar regulation], diabetes, etc.)
  • Digestion & Gastrointestinal (IBS, constipation, bloating, SIBO, gallstones, GERD, etc)
  • Dysbiosis (bloating, candidia, fatigue, etc.)
  • Mental health (Anxiety, depression, fatigue, stress, etc.)
  • Auto-immune (Thyroid, chronic fatigue syndrome, diabetes type I, etc)
  • Allergies (food, eczema, seasonal, etc)
  • Female Hormone Concerns (menopause, perimenopause, PMS, menstrual disorders, fibrocystic breasts, etc)
  • Muscular/Skeletal/Pain (injuries, arthritis, tension, headaches, etc.)
  • Fatigue, athletes and improving general health (stress, sleep, nutrition, weight loss, etc.)



  • British Columbia
    • Acupuncture
    • IV therapies
    • Prescriptive Authority


  • English