Dr. Verna Hunt, B.Sc., D.C., N.D. has been practicing as a Chiropractic and Naturopathic Doctor, for over 44 and 41 years respectivelly. She owns and operates The Centre for Health and Well Being in Toronto, Canada www.healthandwellbeing.info established in 2005.
Her office email is info@healthandwellbeing.info .
Her clients encompass all ages and stages of the health and life cycle. In each case, she assesses the underlying causes of the individual’s lack of wellness and tailors care to their particular situation while teaching them how to care for themselves over a lifetime. She acts as a medical advisor to colleagues and companies, which service holistic health care. Dr. Hunt writes, speaks and teaches presenting through her organization Being Well Communications www.beingwellcommunications.com .
In 2014 she established The Legacy Project at the OAND to preserve and transfer elder knowledge and wisdom of Naturopathic Elders.
She has served on many boards and committees within the naturopathic profession and has received awards for her many years of service: OAND Naturopath of the Year, CAND Lifetime Achievement Award, and first-time recipient of the CAND Dr. Verna Hunt Award.
She can be reached via email verna@beingwellcommunications.com or phone 1-416-604-8240.
The Centre for Health and Well Being
396 Pacific Ave., Suite 201 Toronto, ON M6P 2R1