ND Profile

Christine Matheson, ND

Dr. Christine Matheson, ND is a licensed naturopathic doctor in practice since 2001, an Arvigo® Therapy Practitioner, and a certified Kundalini yoga instructor who helps women experience lasting wellness from the inside out. She’s discovered that women’s health rapidly transforms when they prioritize having thriving gut health, optimal gynecological and pelvic health and when given the right fertility support if they're trying to conceive. Her signature one-on-one and online group Belly Be Well™ Programs guide women through natural medicine strategies to digest their best, improve their gynecological and menstrual health or conceive with more ease while also learning the powerful and unique benefits of Arvigo® Techniques of Maya Abdominal Therapy, an ancient self-massage technique that can help align and decongest the abdominal and pelvic organs. Christine is honoured to have been one of the first naturopathic doctors in Canada who pioneered working in a hospital setting as part of an integrative medical team at the former Women's Pelvic Centre at Women's College Hospital. Her goal is to help as many women as she can to feel more comfortable in their bodies and avoid the hidden costs of holding their stress inside through a holistic approach to wellness that respects the connection between the mind and the body so that they can unlock their ultimate vitality.

Get Dr. Matheson’s FREE RESOURCES:

Belly Bloating Prevention Guide 

Top 6 Tips to Get Your Belly Well

Dr. Christine Matheson, ND’s website: https://www.christinemathesonnd.com/ 

Contact directly with any questions at [email protected] 

Connect on social media @drchristinematheson 

on Instagram https://www.instagram.com/drchristinematheson/ 

on Facebook https://www.facebook.com/drchristinematheson/



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