Continued from ND Portal Member Updates
posted Feb 15, 2023
Premium Update
With the expert advice and assistance of our team at Paisley – Partners, the CAND has been able to keep premium levels at the same rate year over year during negotiations with our underwriters. However, the world has changed significantly and costs have increased across the board for all services. The insurance industry is no exception. Despite hard fought negotiations by Paisley – Partners, where the underwriter wanted a 30% increase for malpractice and property insurance, premiums will be increasing as of April 1, 2023 for the first time in thirteen years.
The increase is 15% for malpractice insurance and 10% for property and liability insurance. The new malpractice rates are as follows:
2 million coverage – $518.00
3 million coverage – $793.00
5 million coverage – $863.00
Property rates will depend on the coverage you have under your policy.
New Benefit Option
We are pleased to announce that the program has been enhanced this year with an option to purchase ‘Legal Expense Insurance’ at a cost of $80 (plus applicable tax). Details are posted on the Members Portal of the CAND website. Highlights of the coverage include:
The CAND group insurance plan continues to be the most comprehensive and cost effective insurance coverage on the market for naturopathic doctors. The plan covers the complete scope of practice across Canada with all modalities included and no deductible.
If you have questions about your insurance please contact Paisley – Partners Inc. directly by email to or telephone – 1-877-427-8683.
We thank members for the ongoing support of your program.